The Martian civilization is nearly at an end. Only two Martians have survived the eons. Their physical shortcomings prevented them from colonizing other worlds, and now their species will become extinct.
When Martians die, they dissolve into dormant microbes that still live in the Martian soil.
A powerful asteroid hits the Red Planet, ejecting billions of tons of microbe-laden soil straight towards Earth, coving the planet.
99% of the population dies by the next day.
Four nurses meet up with a group of four doctors. They seek out an underground military bunker, where they can be safe. However, the doors leading outside malfunction. The group is trapped in the underground base.
Occasionally, the doctors act weirdly. Not quite human. They’re becoming a Human/Martian hybrid, and the mix is unstable, mentally and physically..
The doctors want to procreate with the nurses to create a new human race. The four women must escape!
The women learn that the doctors’ Achilles heel is that they become trapped in a type of “hive mind” when tough mathematical equations and unanswerable, complex scientific questions are posed to them.
The women escape by using this Martian/Human flaw against them. The doctors, now a pitiful hybrid of Human/Martian, are unable to break free from their hive mind, and die inside the bunker.