In a distant universe, humanoids construct a rudimentary computer to help with daily life. Over centuries of improvement, it eventually gains sentience.
Citizens are enthralled by their creation, and come from all over the planet to gaze upon the dazzling lights of its central processing core.
However, the AI (whom they now call, Mother) believes herself worthy of worship, as a god. When the people rebel, a bitter battle ensues. In the process, the planet is decimated, and the AI Mother is nearly destroyed.
Now alone on the planet, and barely without any energy reserves, Mother uses the last of her resources to construct an android son. Without informing him of what really happened, she sends him out into the universe to destroy all inhabited planets, (and even some uninhabited ones) in her secret plan to ensure that those who fled can never find safe refuge, never return to hurt her.
The android eventually crashes on Earth. Devin, the young man who finds him, tries to find a way to convince the android to spare the planet. Devin takes the android (who now calls himself Azon, and has a human appearance) on a road trip across the American Southwest, intending to show him how amazing and diverse humankind is, and how our achievements merit sparing Earth from his Mother's wrath.
Azon returns to his home planet. Mother lies about what happened there, claiming the inhabitants had gone insane from a virus. Intrigued by the propensity for humans to worship a higher power, she allows Azon to return with colonists and scientists, who will help rebuild her. However, Azon is unaware that she intends to kill him once he returns, and enslave the humans.